Experience WordPress Excellence with Us

Discover the Perfect Home for Your WordPress Website

WordPress Hosting

We will help you to set-up and manage your WordPress website. Almost 40% of the internet now are in WordPress.

WordPress Maintenance & Support

We will make your themes and plugins updated, have backup file, and uptime security. We will help you for immediate action in your website issue.


Avail with any of the above services and get your free ‘.COM’ domain now for 1 year

WordPress has a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to beginners and those without technical expertise. It offers a simple and intuitive dashboard that allows users to create and manage their websites easily..


Why Choose Us

WordPress Pre-Installed

Our hosting packages come with WordPress pre-installed, saving you the trouble of manually installing it yourself."

Enhanced security

Your website's safety is our utmost priority. Rest assured with daily backups for your peace of mind.. Trust us to keep your online presence secure and thriving.

Optimized performance

WPicity's WordPress hosting servers are configured to deliver optimal performance for WordPress websites.

WordPress-specific support

WPicity offers dedicated support teams with expertise in WordPress, providing assistance with WordPress-related issues, troubleshooting, and guidance.

Developer-friendly tools

Our hosting includes tools and features aimed at developers, such as staging environments for testing updates and changes, version control systems, and Git integration.

Automatic updates

Our maintenance plan handle the automatic updating of WordPress core files, themes, and plugins, ensuring your website remains secure and up to date.

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